Thursday, June 26, 2008

neW VocaLisT-in-TriaL


it's been a while, huh?

we have just done our practice for today... what practice? of course it's my band's practice! hehheheh....

about a few days ago i've posted an advertisement whose content is to find a vocalist and a keyboardist... and a few days later someone called Shandy called me, telling me that he wanted to apply being our vocalist, so i told him to come to our next practice.. and so he does.

we came there on about 3pm, and we started practising right away. the first song we played was LINK by L'Arc~en~ciel. oh, by the way, all of the songs we played are from L'Arc~en~ciel...

his voice is not bad, but still, it is not good enough.. his high pitch was not very good, almost like screaming... but luckily it turns out that he was not accustomed to japanese songs, cuz he sang a lot of EMO songs before... after a while, his singing became better..

but still, there were sometimes that i have to close my eyes, enduring his screeching... but he is BETTER that alfred, that is for sure... luckily, he has a good attitude, admitting that he is still not good enough, but still, like anyone else, he has tons of reasons for it... yea, yea...

oh, and he also forgot some parts of the songs, making us confused...

the songs we played that day were link, stay away, lost heaven, my heart draws a dream, sunadokei, time goes on, some parts of natsu no yuutsu/ time to say goodbye, some parts of honey, pretty girl, and some parts of feeling fine.

ok then, sayonara!

see ya on the next post...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Nodame CantaBiLe SuGoi!!!

nyaaaaa.... in the past few days my main activity is to eat, sleep, and play!!! what a life... hehehehhe....

but as time goes by, the boringness also grew bigger and bigger... so i decided to rent an anime called Da Capo and a dorama called Nodame Cantabile.

the first time i saw Nodame Cantabile, i was fascinated by it. not only funny, it also has good storyline, not to mention many beautiful pieces of music..

the story is about a Music Academy's 4th year student Chiaki Shinichi, who is blessed with unbelievable talent of music. he always wanted to become a conductor. this dorama will tell us about the tremendous change in his life, how he will change from a guy who is cold-hearted, never cares about anyone, etc etc... he even doesn't know what does poverty means!! LOL

Nodame Cantabile

Chiaki is the guy with the baton, while Noda Megumi, the girl who will bring a tremendous change in Chiaki's life, is the one beside him.

i like it when Chiaki went "crazy" hehehehhe.... in this dorama you will see a lot of really funny scenes, like when Chiaki sent Nodame flying with his punch, etc etc...

simply put, i LOVE this dorama!!! i am now waiting for the second Nodame Cantabile!!!



Sunday, June 15, 2008

BrowsinG Band

haiyah haiyah.... today i am as idle as ever, so i decided to brose on the internet, particularly on Youtube, to find some interesting bands... And i found some!!

the first one was Kazoku, a band which was disbanded a few moments ago, but i like the song "Umigumo" by them...

and this is their pic!


the next one was Charlotte.. this is an oshare kei band which is very very attractive.. it's fun watching them!! their first PV i listened to was "Diamond Busaiku". Phew, it's very difficult somehow to find their pic in photobucket, cuz if you type "charlotte", the results will be those Good Charlotte pics... i can only find Kazuno's pics... this is after i type "kazuno charlotte or touya charlotte or mitsujou charlotte or ruka charlotte or takane charlotte" in the search box...

charlotte vocals kazuno

this is the vocalist...

the next band who got caught in my mind was "Sulfuric Acid", HIZAKI's ex-band... but i didn't have the chance to listen to their songs so i will not post their pic or reviews about their songs..

hmm... i think that's about it...

i stopped cuz the idea of practising guitar suddenly came into my mind, so i disconnected from the internet and started playing my guitar, mainly practising some songs i've learned before...

after that, i slept!! nyaaaaaaaa....


Thursday, June 12, 2008

PlastiC TrEE

i have found another new band!! it is not a new one though, it was formed in 1993... the band's name is Plastic Tree!!!

BTW, u may have noticed that i have changed my way of posting a post... yep, i'm using english now, cuz i think english is more universal, so now more people can understand what i'm saying... ok, next!!

Plastic tree's songs are more to the sad side, with lots of touching words. i like the song "sink" very much..

but they have some funny songs too, like for example, "baka ni natta no ni" is one of those funny songs they have made..

their appearance is more casual than lots of other J-rock bands, mixing and matching jackets, shirts, mantles, and such. the colours are usually black and white.

but inthe older days, maybe they were also doing some visual key appearance, as shown in this picture:

Plastic Tree

weird, eh? in the next one their VK appearance is not as bold as the previous one,

Plastic Tree

well, just compare the make-up with this picture below,

Plastic Tree


Plastic Tree

in the last pic their app has become more and more casual, and i think that's good too...

BTW, Plastic Tree are:
Recommended songs:
  • Ghost
  • Namida Drop
  • Sink
  • Tremolo
  • Tsumetai Hikari
I have only heard about ten of their songs though...

alright!! see ya on the next post!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

SeLaSa TanGGal 10

hueleh hueleh... udah lama juga gw ga ngisi ni blog...

skrg gw mau crita soal pertama kalinya gw maen bulutangkis setelah sekian tahun ga megang raketnyah!!

ini juga pertama kalinya gw maen bulutangkis ama temen2 gw yg dari SMA... sebelomnya mreka udah cukup sering juga maen barenk, cuman gw aja baru skrg ikutan maen bulutangkis...

pertama kali gw dateng t disana udah ada ferdi yang baru pulang dari singapur, kodox, mamot yg ternyata nyuri2 waktu dari ospek ITBnyah, btit, en nyunyun...

trus gw maen dolo, maen2 ama nyunyun...

trus bobby dateng, ada pi2t juga... jadinya maen dobel, gw en btit lawan bobby en nyunyun... dari situlah gw baru menyadari bahwa gw itu begitu CUPU!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

gila backhand gw miss semua... parah... ngesmes ngapung2... dikalahkan sajah dengan mudah...

abis itu banyak yg dateng, ada tetep, nana, karl, omara, hartono, lili, apid, andi BK, mink2, justin, atenk, cungcung, trus sapa lagi yaaaaa... perasaan cuma segitu deh...

setelah kekalahan memalukan itu gw nyoba2 maen2 barenk karl, andi BK, en hartono... eh lumayan lah setelah beberapa saat jadi rada mending...

trus maen dobel ama tetep lawan rico en justin... mnaaaang.... trus lawan kodox en justin... entah mengapa gw en tetep jadi sering salah2 sendiri, en kalah dengan beda 2 angka kalo ga salah...

trus maen barenk mamot lawan rico en justin... mnang lagih, cuman c mamotnya edan pisan... jago lah, sama kaya bobby sadisnya... sebelumnya lawan bobby ama justin, kalo ga salah mnang juga da...

yah abis itu ternyata t om bawa bola sepak mini... jadinya pi2t maen2 bola dech... gw juga sekali2 ikutan...

trus abis acara badminton selese katanya pada mau ke wendys... pada mau makan dolo... gw kaga ikut, soalnya mau ke jlcc dolo, ngurus les jpang. gw dapet hadiah dari Della... thx thx!! ternyata isinya sebuah bolpen... lagi lagi alat tulis but thx anyway... ahahahhaaa...

trus c nana juga bawa coklat hersheys sekantong gede...

yah bis itu gw ke rumah, mandi ganti baju, trus ke jlcc jalan subang... eeeh ternyata kudu bawa duitnya dolo baru bisa regis... sialaaaaaan.... udah cape2 kesitu... abis itu ke raise 18 yang berujung dengan kegagalan juga karena c monk2 ga bisa ditelp jadinya ga jadi buking tempat...

yah setelah dilanda kekecewaan yang bertubi2 akhirnya gw ke bsm berhubung nyokap gw en dd gw disana... makan chef salad en green tea latte di excelso... uenaaaak... abis itu ke gramed bli komik Alive! en abis itu ke bli teh anget favorit... wakakkakaaa... abis itu pulang deh...

abis pulang c monk2 sms kalo dy kaga bisa latian jam 3 hari kamis... tuh kan tuh kan?!?!?!?! untung ama gw kaga dibuking dolo coba... sabtu ternyata juan kaga bisa, akhirnya c juan yg gw suru telpon ke raisenya...

parah parah.... masa minggu ini ga latian lagih...

yah hari ini diakhiri dengan menonton spanyol lawan rusia... yang dimenangi spanyol 4-1!!! uedan... gol pertama t david vill hasil assist sempurna dari torres... gol kedua villa lagi hasil assist iniesta, terakhir gol villa lagi dari fabregas, trus digocek2... gol terakhir fabregas nyundul bola mental hasil tembakan santi cazorla kalo ga salah... gola balasan roman pavlyuchenko dari corner disundul jarak dekat...

yah bgitulah hari ini... badan lemes... c ya next time!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

NgiNeP di AsToN

hohohoh.... kali ini gw bakal bercerita tentang kesempatan gw nginep di apartment aston braga bandung untuk satu hari sajah...

gw t nginep barenk dd gw yg cewe en yg cowo... hari itu gw seperti biasanya bangun cukup telat... lalu setelah itu gw melakukan kegiatan rutin yaitu mandi en gosok gigi... abis itu maen PES di PS2... ampe skitar jam setengah 2-an lah...

abis itu gw ke jatayu, jemput dd gw yg maen futsal barenk temen2nya....

abis itu gw ke IP dolo... nyokap gw lagi jalan barenk temen2nya pula, sehingga gw kudu menunggu... jadilah gw nongkrong di excelso setelah sebelomnya sempet mampir di gramedia, gamemaster en disc tarra....

jam 4-an lah kita ke aston... disana apartmentnya dapet yg di lantai paling mentok... lantai 19 bo... di situ begitu masuk, kita udah disambut ama sebuah kabinet yang ada kompor en wastafelnya, trus ada sofa en meja serta TV didepannya... kamar mandi di sebelah kiri, too bad ga ada bathtubnya... trus kalo lurus trus balcony (yg dikunci ama pihak hotel, takutnya ada bungee jumping cari mati kayanya...) ke kiri ada kamar tidur dengan single bed, en di kanan ada kamar lagi dengan double bed...

kegiatan kita disitu?? nonton, nonton, dan nonton.... soalnya gw ga bawa laptop, en emank ga ada apa-apa lagi disitu... malemnya gw dibawain makanan ama bokap en nyokap gw, ampe jam 9 bokap nyokap gw pulang...

lalu?? nonton lagih... ampe jam 12-an akhirnya bobo... ga bisa bobo... aaaaaaaaaaa.... gila dd gw yg cowo mah nyenyak pisan... gw tertendang trus en emank gw ga bisa tidur, jadilah gw jam 3 subuh kluar dolo, nonton TV lagih... bentar kemudian, gw kembali berusaha untuk tidur...

lah lah lah... bangun deh gw jam 6-an, trus mandi dengan puasnya, nonton bentar, lalu jam 8 ke bawah... breakfast...

ternyata breakfastnya tak seenak yang diperkirakan... gw pertama2 makan cereal (cornflakes ama yg mirip beras itu), trus omelette, nasi en lauk pauk dikit, kopi, teh, orange juice, aer.... ah ga gimana2 pisan seh tapi lumayan lah...

jam 12-an kita check out... selama dari jam 9-12 itu kita nonton film lucu... tentang keluarga griswald yg bodor abis...

pokonya apartmentnya mah bersih abis, rapih, enak lah... cuman bosen ajah kalo disitu trus... hohohoho... pokonya kudu bawa alat hiburan...

abis itu?? dijemput, ke bokap, mkn di ta yang suki (muahaaaaaaaaalll), nemenin nyokap ke anata salon, nyobain hairspa (gratis soalnya wakwakkwak), pulang, ke undangan di panghegar (ga enak makanannya... nyeseeeeeeeeeel....) en akhirnya pulang ke rumah... selesai dech!!!