Sunday, August 10, 2008

another random things + my new handphone!!

hmm, it's been a while since my last post (except the gomenasai post, which i have made just moments ago) so i'll just post some another random things ^^

other things i'm scared of:
  • getting faaaaaaat
  • some type of insects, particularly some damn BIG ones, plus those centipedes... I HATE THEM!!!
  • getting old (but we cannot avoid this one T____T)
hohohohohoh.... alright...

by the way, i got a new handphone!! nyaaaaaaaaaaaaappy~~~

it's a nokia 7310 supernova!!

the main reason why i got this new handphone cuz my old one cannot be recharged... T________T and i was going to pangandaran beach for 4 days, and my parents were worried that i would end up there without any communication devices...

here it is!! nyappy~~

i got the blue one, the most left one ^^

ok then!!

jaa ne~~