Saturday, July 19, 2008

Audition Day!!! 三十 SeveN's firsT audiTioN!!!

today was a big day~~

me and my band did an audition to determine whether we can play in the JFR or not. JFR is actually Japanese Festival Revolution.

you can see the flier at

i woke up at about 8.30 am and went out of home at about 9.30 am. then i went to Mimi's Salon because my mom want to go there. and then i went to RA studio, tha place where the audition was held. i was supposed to re-register my band at 10 am.

i got there after awhile, because of the difficulty of finding the place.. >_<

but at last i got there, and i re-regis my band, also changed the name of my band... it was "Cherry Blossom" but we decided to change it to "三十 SeveN"... it was actually juan's idea. how to read it? it is read "sanjyuu seven"...

where the hell did juan get the idea? well, sanjyuu seven is actually an abbreviation of shandy, juan, stefan, and ivan... those are our names...

we played L'Arc~en~ciel's song LINK in this audition... hopefully we will get accepted...

some of the other bands who got into this audition are: belle de art, shanaro, la lumiere, fleur de lis, and hanabi... i forgot the rest...

there were about 30 bands!! i really hope we can get through!!