today i woke up at 11 am ^^
it's actually YESTERDAY, yea, on 3rd July...
i am really a sleepyhead... well, yea, i slept at about 1 am the night before that, so i slept for about... 10 hours?!?! whew....
today's activity is mainly... sleep!!! hahahahah... ^^
i'm not joking.. well, i woke up at 11, brushed my teeth and then play for a moment, eat, and then i went to watch Luna Sea's Final Act on about 1 pm. then on about 3 pm i went to sleep again until 5 pm.... heheheheh...

luna sea!!! i am a BIG fan of Sugizo!!!
it's a pity they are disbanded now...
after that i went to JLCC, to continue the japanese language course... today we learned about katakana, and a few rules of how to use them.
and in the late evening i went to Blitzmegaplex in PVJ (the greatest mall in Bandung, ever!! sorry BSM, Ciwalk, IP, and BIP..) with my family to watch a movie called Hancock. it was a GREAT movie...
it was about a super-man named John Hancock, who has the ability to fly, superpower, like superman, only he doesn't have x-ray sight, or the laser eye, etc etc etc... he has forgotten about his past, and he only remembered about 80 years ago (he doesn't age at all)
he helps people but with his reckless way, destroying building, roads, even a train, obviously everything in his path..
that cause him to be hated by people, thus he met a man called Ray, who was saved from death by Hancock. ray tried to change people's opinion about hancock, by changing hancock himself to a better person.
and then he met ray's wife mary, who also has the same abilty as hancock, even stronger (wow!), and his past will be revealed as he met her...

four thumbs up!!
after that, i went to buy one of my fav drinks of all time, the ice caramel latte, with custom milk and custom etc etc etc (i don't order the same one everytime i buy one)
and then i went home...
ok then, the weather today is fine, not as hot as yesterday, probably cuz i stayed at home for most of the time...
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